Tuesday 23 February 2016

Moped Engines 1

Hello.today im going to share a little bit of information regarding japanese moped engine.For your information,Japanese moped can be found in as small as 50cc exmple: (Honda super cub 50cc) and as big as 150cc example: (kawasaki kips).Im sure for the people from the u.s or europeam countries they will say that this moped is not powerful because of the small engine especially the u.s people.No offense please!because everything they have in u.s is gigantic in cc.for example:muscle cars.But..dont let these mopeds engine fools ya..they might be small in cc,but they also can do the job very well.
   So,lets take a look at these engines,in this modern world,we can found mopeds that are powered by mostly 100-110cc engines.they are small in size,but yet powerful.Honda and Yamaha always in the competition for these cc engines.Both of them utilizes the same technology(4 stroke)these engines are compact,consisting of three big chunks of stell that i call "department". for this engines to work,these departments will work together.The first department is the cylinder head.This will consist only aMbout 4 stroke engines
1)Cylinder head
    This is one of the "department" in mopeds engine.it consists of many other "workers" such as camshaft,valve,valve spring and rocker arm.this is the "department" where timing of the camshaft is happening.this is where the air and fuel are being sucked into the engine that being provided by a carburetor.This is the place where valves and rocker arms works together in order to give the engines the input(air and fuel)to makes sure that this "company" able to makes the "profit" which is Power.These air and fuel mixture will be burn by the spark plugs and booomm!!the fuel will ignite and it will give power to our engine...(i was hoping that all of you understand my not so good analogy :(
For your information,this camshaft timing and this fuel and air ratios can be altered to make much more power.i will talk about this topic later.
2.Cylinder block
For this cylinder block "deparment",it doesnt not have many parts inside it likes in the cylinder head "department".in this department,it is consists of three major parts which are,bore,piston and piston rings.Piston is where the fuel and air will burn on top of its surface..the piston rings are used to seal the gap between the piston and the bore.It will make the gap between piston and bore decrease hence keeping the fuel and air mixture inside the combustion chamber.this piston rings consist of three rings which are placed on top of each other.
1.Top ring
2.Second ring
3.Oil ring
  First ring is to seal the combustion chamber.it will seal the air and fuel mixture from escaping the combustion chamber.So,most of the energy that is produced cannot escape from the chamber.less energy escape means more power and more fuel efficiency.
  The second ring is to help giving extra seal to the combustion chamber.it will help the Top piston ring to seal the mixture because the first ring cannlt seal the mixture 100 percent.so,the need for second ring is a must.it will also help the oil rings which at the bottom of the second ring to seal the engine oil from getting to combustion chamber.If the oil getting to chamber,the engines will becomes "heavy" due to loss of power and it will burn oils in the chamber thus white smoke will appear
  The last ring which is the oil ting is to help preventing engine oil which lubricates the piston during the engine operation.Pistons will move inside the bore many times.so,the need of lubrication is a must.It will seal the oil from entering the combustion chamber.we will not want any oil in our combustion chamber.

Pictures of my moped engines being torn apart...

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