Tuesday 23 February 2016

Moped engines 2

Okay..in this entry..im going to tell you a little bit more about japanese moped engines.this is the second part.you may read the first part first.i want to aplogize for mh english because i am just a normal person.i dont really use english in my everyday life.and im not a mechanic.im just a normal guy who lile mopeds so much..

   Okay,lets continue..i have talked a little bit about the cylinder block "department".Now im going to go to the last "department" which is the crankase department.in these last department.it has many moving parts such as cranshaft,gearbox,clutch and magneto.the up and down movement fr the piston is transferred to the cranskshaft via a connecting rodJ

This movement is transferred to a cranskshaftthat will rotate the magneto,a component to generates electricity for the headlamp,signal lamp and spark to the plugs via a set of coil.The cranshaft movement also will be transferred to the clutches before they are sent to the gearbox.mostly 3 or 4 speed gearbox depending on the engines.Most of the engines for newer japanese mopeds have a 4 speed gearbox.the old model such as Honda Supercub 70cc has a 3 speed transimmission.And it will makes the wheel moves via chain.All japanase mopeds are working via chain.i do not encounter any japanese bikes that are using axle.if i am wrong,please tell me.And these are some pictures of the Honda super cub 90cc 3 speed engine.

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